Tuesday, January 3, 2012

January 2- CREAM PUFF

I guess I would say I have a sweet tooth so I really enjoyed the cream puffs, but then again what's not to like about cream puffs? I went to Houston yesterday so didn't have time to stop at a bakery. So on my way home we went to HEB and they had cream puffs by the frozen breakfast foods.

January 1st- BLOODY MARY

It's the new year and day one of my challenge, and I was not looking forward to drinking a bloody mary! I did motify it without adding the vodka, but nevertheless it was just as bad as I had imagined! My friend Kaylee endured it with me and referred to it as "tasting like a garden". The ingredients I went by was tomato juice, lemon juice, and then the vodka. Bring on day 2!

Food for thought

I've never really "blogged" before but I thought this would be the best way to share my challenge I have taken on for the new year! As a food lover I have decided to eat a different food every day of the year following the food holidays. I will post the link that has all of these dates at the end. I'm excited to attempt to take on the new year with something fun as this and can't wait to try some new things. I haven't posted the pictures and blogs from 1st and 2nd yet but plan to do so ASAP.

Thanks, Courtney